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Red Lake County Central Students can earn community service hours by helping out at the fair and working on various fair board projects through out the year.  Contact Lowell Hamrum for more information

The cookie contest has been a hit for many years...

 this contest was followed by the Pie of the County contest....

in 2014 it was the Best Fudge in the county. 

 These contests are a win win situation... it is delicious to judge and profitable to win ($20.00 adult category and $10.00 for the 15 and under) !!


2015 will include a fudge and cookie contest




Your winter hobbies can be very profitable if you enter them in open class at the fair!  Not to mention the bragging rights​

Check out the Oklee Herald and Red Lake Falls Gazette for up dates about the fair.... you never know what you might find.

The Talent show is a great way to show case your talents and win a chance to compete at the state fair!!  Watch the papers and facebook for more details.


2014 brought back a old event back when everyone gathered in Oklee for the Red Lake County Demo DERBY!

Enter your best home brew in open class...

categories include

beer: light and dark


white~dry and sweet

red~dry and sweet


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